Saturday, February 16, 2013

RV Trip to New Orleans-Mardi Gras 2013

Monday, February 4, 2013
Left Lafayette KOA for New Orleans at at 9:07 am. We went ahead from The Kennards since we still have to gas and we drive slower than them.
We arrived at University of New Orleans Park at 1245 pm. Fantasy RV Tours staff were there to meet us and guided us on our space. The Kennards were already there when we got there. We were parked next to them. By the time we got settled parked and hooked up it was already 1:30.

The weather was cool and cloudy. Went for a walk and found a grocery store close by. we bought a gallon of milk and some fruits. We didn't want to carry bunch of groceries so we just bought what we needed at the time. We just made it on time to the motorhome, it started to pour and rained all night long with thunder and lightning. We were supposed to go out for dinner with Rick and Nikki but cancelled it due to the heavy rain. Instead we just had chicken pot pie and chicken dumpling for dinner.

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