Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Rv trip to Mississippi 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013
Happy Valentines Day! Our Dad would have been 101 years old today.
Today, we left Meridian, Mississippi for Tupelo.
Left Bonita Lake RV Park in Meridian at 1022 am and headed to Tupelo, Mississippi.Arrived at barnes Crossing Campground at 1326. The office is managed by an older lady and probably also the owner just the way she was talking. She doesn't accept credit card so I have yo pay her by check for the amount of $118 for 4 nights.
We had late lunch-bacon and eggs sandwich. Settled in, rested, and relaxed. After we had rested I did 3 loads of laundry.
In the evening we went out to celebrate Valentines Day to a Mexican dinner at Don Julio Restaurant.
earl had Chicken Burrito and I had Garlic Shrimp with some cheese sauce. The food was excellent.

Back to the park with full stomach.

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