Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Red Bay, Alabama 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Today at 900 we went to the main office for a tour of the plant where they make the motorhome from scratch. Brenda and Max did the tour. We had a video 1st and after the video they gave us safety goggles and radio with ear piece so we can hear them talk. We went inside the plant where they make them showed us from the start ie wood carvings,cabinets, plumbing slide outs, electrical wirings reservoirs for water and for gray and black waters, ceiling,roof,engines, freightliners, etc. Almost everything is made by hands, workers are all happy and nice. You can tell that they love their jobs. The workers start at 6:00 am and goes home at 1430. It was a very interesting and informative tour. They have a 1976 Allegro on display outside the visitor information office. They started making Tiffin Motorhomes in 1972.
After the tour we went to see Bob Tiffin in the office but he was at lunch and won't be back for another 20 minutes so we decided to go to Piggly Wiggly for lunch. Had pork chop, mashed potatos and green beans while Earl had meatloaf, mashed potatos and baked beans. Our lunch cost us $4.69 each. After lunch we went back to see Bob Tiffin and met with him.We thanked him and had a little chat. Bob is the nicest guy we'd ever meet. Everybody in the office were very nice also.After meeting with him we went back to the campground and went to the Allegro Club office. Jimmy Johnson was there. Looked at the samples of Allegro jackets and coats. They didn't have our size so we just asked for a catalog to take home. Had left over rice, crabmeat and spam for dinner while Earl had Chicken Lime wings.

Red Bay, Alabama 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Got up a little early, didn't know what time a technician will be coming. Most of the coaches that were here before us were going to the shops. Just stayed in the motorhome at the campground and did 2 loads of laundry. I had rice, crabmeat omelet and spam for lunch and Earl had chicken Pot Pie.
Not much activity today. A technician came before noon and answered some of our concerns and jot them all down. Some were answered by him. Right before 1500, Quincy arrived and went through the lists of the problems and gave us an estimate when they'll work on our coach and when it will be finished. No definite times, it could be a week or 2 weeks,it depends. For he said nothing will be done the next day but he'll put us on express way. Just waiting. Had bologna sandwich for dinner.

RV Trip to Alabama-Red Bay 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013
Left Tupelo, Mississippi at 920 am and arrived in Red Bay at 1106. It was a short trip. The trip to Red Bay is not a pleasure trip but a fix the Motorhome trip. There are stuff that the motorhome needs fixing. Some minor and one a bit major.
We drove to the main office and we were directed by the guard to the Service area which is 2 miles from the main office and plant. as soon as we got there we checked in and registered and gave us papers to fill out and also the space number where we park the motorhome. It was a full hook up with WI FI but no TV reception.
As soon as we settled in and all hooked up we filled out all the papers that they gave us and brought them back to the office. The people are very nice. There were a lot of coaches waiting to be serviced and we don't know when our turn will be. Every coach are given numbers for their turn service.
We went to their store and bought a couch covers and some Tiffin T-shirts for $7.99 each. Looked around then went to town and did grocery shopping. Not much in this town. I think this town is surviving because of Tiffin Motorhomes.

RV Trip to Mississippi 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013
Lazy day today. watch TV in the morning and went to China Buffet 11 for lunch. Good buffet and good price. Stuffed ourselves again. After our heavy lunch we went to Walmart and bought some stuff. After Walmart we didn't go anywhere else but back to the RV park. Hooked up the tow car, getting ready to leave in the morning for Red Bay, Alabama.

RV Trip to Mississippi 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013
Sunny and cold when we got up. Had pretzel for my breakfast and Earl had leftover shrimp gumbo from the night before. Staying home this morning watching Fast N Loud on TV. Earl having veggies and dip for snack. It started to snow this morning for few minutes. It didn't last very long, flaky snow that is. Attended Saturday Vigil Mass at1630 at St. James Catholic Church.Went straight back to the RV Park after church.
Had Bologna Sandwich for dinner.

RV Trip to Mississippi 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013

1st Friday of Lent. That means fast and abstain from meat.
The weather was cold when we got up. It was on the 40's. We went to their mall, the Barnes Crossing Mall and it's supposed to be the largest in this part of Mississippi. The mall is huge and all the stores that I like are all here. Had pretzel for lunch we weren't too hungry.
After the mall we went to see the birthplace of Elvis Presley here in Tupelo. It's not too far the RV Park where we're staying. It was awesome to see the house where he grew up, very humble beginning. You can tell they didn't have very much when he was growing up. The Church where he used to sing is also here They also built a museum and a memorial chapel for him in the same area where his house is. Went to the gift shop and looked around. Bought a mug for souvenir. We also went to the theatre in the museum where they showed his early life.
After the tour went back to the park and started cooking dinner. Cooked Shrimp Gumbo with Okra Connie's style for dinner.

Spent the rest of the evening updating my blog.

Rv trip to Mississippi 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013
Happy Valentines Day! Our Dad would have been 101 years old today.
Today, we left Meridian, Mississippi for Tupelo.
Left Bonita Lake RV Park in Meridian at 1022 am and headed to Tupelo, Mississippi.Arrived at barnes Crossing Campground at 1326. The office is managed by an older lady and probably also the owner just the way she was talking. She doesn't accept credit card so I have yo pay her by check for the amount of $118 for 4 nights.
We had late lunch-bacon and eggs sandwich. Settled in, rested, and relaxed. After we had rested I did 3 loads of laundry.
In the evening we went out to celebrate Valentines Day to a Mexican dinner at Don Julio Restaurant.
earl had Chicken Burrito and I had Garlic Shrimp with some cheese sauce. The food was excellent.

Back to the park with full stomach.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

RV trip to New Orleans- Mardi Gras 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Happy Fat Tuesday, Happy Super Mardi Gras!
Today is what's everybody's waiting for the Super Mardi Gras Parade. It's an all day parade but we're only staying on the 2 parades,the Zulu parade and Rex, the king of Carnival parade. The 2 parade lasted till 2:30 pm and there's 3 more parades to follow but we didn't stay on the last 3. The las 3 parades were the "truck floats", the Krewe of Elks and the Orleanians and Crescent City parade. It's exhausting and they were very long. I think after the previous parades that we attended we were all parade out and beaded out. Back to the camp at 2:30 pm, rested and got ready for our Gunbo dinner cooked by Greg Bruce at the Arena. Also had salad, bread and root beer floats for desert.
After a good Gumbo dinner the organization presented informations for the forthcoming rally of RV Fantasy Tour.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Last day of the rally. Fantasy staff provided coffee and doughnuts till 9:00 am.Everybody said good by and there are some that still stayed for a continuation of the tour which is the Cajun Tour. We left at 9:30 am headed for Meridian, Mississippi.
On the way to Mississippi we stopped at the Welcome office. The people were very nice and helpful. They also provided us some coffee and King cake

The only KOA in Mississippi was our destination.Was quite a waste from the interstate. When we got there the place didn't look but we checked in anyway. We were supposed to stay 5 days in Meridian before heading to Red Bay, Alabama. When we got to our space Earl had a hard time putting the leveler so we decided not to stay besides the mud was so thick and afraid that we might got stuck. we checked out and got our money back. She wasn't very happy but that's the worst KOA we ever encountered in our traveling. Got out and looked for an RV Park in Meridian. We found the Bonita Lake RV park and stayed there for 1 night. After looking at the map I told Earl to go to Tupelo, Mississippi before Red Bay. Tupelo is an hour drive from Meridian and it's less than an hour drive to Red Bay. We stayed at the Barnes Crossing Campground in Tupelo. It was a nice park and we're glad we moved on instead of staying in Meridian. By the time we settled in it was already late in the afternoon. The RV and the tow car were full of mud especially under the tires.

RV Trip to New Orleans-Mardi Gras 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013
Left at 9:00 for our exclusivetour of the Krewe of Thoth's Den. This den is where they store the floats that just paraded the previous nights. It hasn't been cleaned and  theyre all full of left over beads and what have you. We were able to look, climb and touch what's in the floats. We found all kinds of good beads, hats, stuffed animals, unopened drinks and chips. We were able to salvage all kinds of beads,goodies and even costumes if you want them. I was able to salvage a Royal Crown Scotch still on it's bag barely opened. it was like scavenger hunting and so much fun. There were beads that are still on bags unopened. All the Rver's went crazy. we went home with 3 bags of goodies.

After the Krewe of Thoth's tour we went to a private tour on to the New Orleans School of Cooking for an entertaining demonstration and light lunch of chicken and andonette gumbo,jambalaya,bread pudding and pralines. Iced tea and local beer were served with the meal. She was a funny lady and made the cooking very interesting. Bought her cook book signed by her. Back to the camp at 2:00 pm.
At 7:00 pm we were served with cajun food and cajun music at the arena. Cajun dancers taught us how to dance cajun dancing.