Saturday, August 5, 2017

Trip to Middle East- Egypt, Jordan, Israel

7/13/2017 Thursday
Left LAX at 4:20 pm for Egypt.
We arrived in Rome Friday morning for an 8 hour layover.Traveling with Michael and Lumin. Michael's friend Romeo met us in LAX who will be traveling with us. Another friend of Michael is also with us on this trip and connected with her in Rome. We all took the bus and took us at Rome Termini Station. From there we walked through Rome and visited the Colloseum, the Pantheon, Trevi Fountain. Had lunch at one of the restaurants closed to the Pantheon. Had Pizza, Mozarella cheese with basil and tomato. The guys had beer to go with their lunch and we had soda(coke) Killed our time walking around until its time for us to take the train to the airport to catch our flight for Cairo.

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