Sunday, August 6, 2017

Luxor, Egypt

7/16/2017 Sunday
Lumin and I waited for Yaiah to take us to go to Church for Sunday mass. When we got there 2 gusrds told us they're close and Mass doesn't start till later. Catholic churches are being guarded due to terrorist threats. We went back to the hotel and got ready for our flight to Luxor. Yaiah was taking us to the airport. The flight from Cairo to Luxor was an hour and a half. Arrived at Luxor airport and met by the tour guide. Sandwich lunches were provided by the tour company.
 First went to the Valley of the Kings. Its a valley in Egypt where where for a period of nearly 500 years from the 16th to 11th century BC rock cut tombs were excavated for the Pharoahs and powerful nobles of Ancient Egypt. The valley has become famous for the discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun.

After touring the tombs of the Ramese

s at the Valley of the Kings we went to the Temple of Luxor.
Temple of Luxor is close to the Nile and laid out parallel to the riverbank The Temple was built by Amenhotep111 (1323-1295 BC) but completed by Tutankhamun and Hoeremheb and then added to by Rameses11(1279-13 BC)

 After Luxor the group went to Karnak. Lumin and I stayed back due to the heat. I was experiencing heat exhaustion and made me really sick. Lied down at one of the benches inside the building. The tour provided us more sandwiches and drinks. Too sick to eat them.
Walked around and explored the area and flew back to Cairo.

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