Saturday, August 5, 2017

Cairo, Egypt

7/15/2017 Cairo, Egypt
Arrived at our hotel in Zamalek, Cairo. Checked in early and they gave us 2 rooms instead of 1 for the same price. Lumin and I in one room and Michael, Romeo and Janelle in the other room.
our room is overlooking the Nile river.
Lobby of our hotel.
Taken at the balcony of our hotel.
Rested and settled in.

7/16/2017 Al Gammalia-Al Mashad Al Husseiny
Taxis won't take more than 5 passengers so we have to hire 2 cabs to take us to their market just like a swap meet. Did some shopping and had lunch there. This is where we met the guy that will take us around Cairo. His name is Yahia.

  Had henna tattoo done on my hand.

 Went to a Gallery for some paintings. Michael and the rest of us bought some papyrus paintings.

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