Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Tel A Viv

7/28/2017 Friday
Spent our day in Tel aViv today. How did we get there? We went to Jaffa place where the Tram stops and took the Tram to the Bus Station. Took the bus to Tel aViv. From the bus station we took another bus to where we're going. We wanted to go to the beach and with the help of Michaels GPS we stopped at the place that led us to the beach. Quite a walk with the heat penetrating to your skin.Once we got to the Port we looked for a restaurant and we decided to have sea foods.

Fishing boats
Jaffa Port

Tel aViv

Calamari and Fish and Chips

Good appetite

Just relaxing

We spent all afternoon in this place and then we started looking for the restaurant that a friend recommended. Had a hard time finding it. After a long search Michael asked somebody about the restaurant and he was told that its closed that day. It was Shabat, hereos  is closed. so we decided to go home. It was already 5:30 and we missed the last bus that take us to the bus station. So we took 2 cabs since they can only take 4 max passengers. At the bus station we took the coaster back to Jerusalem since there's no more bus to go back to Jerusalem. It was a very hectic day. Worst day of our trip.

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