Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Jerusalem, Israel

7/25/2017 Tuesdayit
We rode the Van to the Jordan border and went through the immigration. From there we bought our  road coaster ticket to Jerusalem. We were dropped in front of Herod,s Gate of the Old City. Romeo didn't have his Paintings from Egypt. He left it at the bus station in the border. They asked the coaster driver if he can check  where Romeo left it and it was there. They made arrangement if the next coaster can bring it to their station in Jerusalem. They did and Romeo and Michael picked it up after 3 hrs.
From where the coaster dropped us we walked all the way to our Airbnb place owned by a Jewish lady. Tough walk with our luggages with us. Michael was nice to help me with my luggage when we got to our airbnb place. After we settled in we went and walked to a non Kosher restaurant for lunch.


Russian Church

Menu at the  non Kosher place
Kosher food

After lunch we walked to the market, looked around and bought some fruits.

 After the market back to our place and
did our laundry.
Sweet red, red watermelon

We spent $230 at the non Kosher place for our lunch and for dinner we had Cup O Noodles for dinner.

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