Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Dead Sea

7/23/2017 Sunday
Leaving Wadi-Rum for Amman. Can't leave, we have a flat tire. The staff at the camp help us fix the tire. It just need some air, so they pump air and told us to go to the nearest vulcanizer. One of the staff guided us out of the camp. Stopped at the vulcanizing place and had our tire check and it just needed air, didn't have a hole which is good. He only charge us 3 Denar equivalent to a $1.
The flat tire

The vulcanizing place
The tire got fixed. On our way to Amman to the Dead Sea. Checked in to Movenpick Resort and Spa at 1300. After we settled in our rooms we relaxed and had something to eat in one of the restaurants. We went to an Italian place and had pasta. Relaxed and rested and waited for Sunset to go to the Sea.
Lumin and I put on our bathing suit and went down to the Dead Sea and floated. The water is so salty that there's no way you can sink and drown. We were floating on our back when all of a sudden I ended up on a deeper area and I panicked. I felt like I was drowning and can't get my self to float. The life guard helped me back to float again after drinking a cup of salted sea water and burning on my eyes. The life guard immediately rinsed my face and eyes with bottled water. After the sea water we went to the swimming pool. Stayed where the kids are. Met Michael and Janelle at the swimming pool. Romeo stayed at the hotel, still having cramps and loose bowel movement. It was a wonderful experience today, a lot of fun and laughter.

We're floating

Our room

The Resort where we stayed
Overlooking the Dead Sea

Michael, Romeo and Janelle enjoying the Sea.

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