Monday, May 23, 2011

Wellington-Colorado Day 15

Monday, May 23, 2011-Day 15
Our plan had changed due to the nasty weather going through Northwest. Our original plan was to go to Montana and Idaho but instead we decided to go South and hopefully will have a decent weather.
We left Mt. Rushmore KOA at 7:30 and went through Cheyenne,Wyoming to Wellington, Colorado. We saw some daylight when we were in Wyoming but as soon as we got to Wellington KOA it started to rain and hail along with lightning and thunder. Same weather we had when we were in South Dakota. No chance to go out at all. Just stayed in the RV and watched it rain and hail. Alisto scared to death of the thunder. Hid under the bed in the bedroom and didn't show up until there's no more thunder. Tomorrow we are on the way to New Mexico. Dear Lord, hope the weather will be nice so we can go out and do something.

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