Wednesday, May 11, 2011

RVing to the Dakotas-Beaver, Utah-Day 3

Wednesday, May 11-2011 Day 3
Left Las Vegas at 7:20 am on the way to Beaver, Utah our 2nd stop.
It was warm and sunny when we left Las Vegas and as we got closer to Utah the weather had changed completely. It was windy, cloudy and rainy in some area.
We stopped in a rest area and had our lunch. I had jalapeno cheese sandwich, salami and coke for lunch and a German milka chocolate for dessert. Earl had salami and cheese sandwich and blueberry muffin for his dessert. Alisto had dry food and Fancy feast for his lunch
Arrived at KOA in Beaver at 1:45 pm. As soon as we checked in it started raining. Earl had to wait for the rain to stop before he was able to hook up the RV.
The rain sure made us sleepy so we all took a nap that includes Alisto our cat. It was a good relaxing afternoon. Hot dog and chili sounded good for dinner on this kind of weather, so that's what I fixed. Hhhmm good. We spent the rest of the night watched TV.

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