Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Raton-New Mexico-Day 16

Tuesday, May 24, 2011-Day 16

Another traveling day. A beautiful day in Wellington, Colorado when we left at 7:45 am. As soon as we got closer to Denver rain and hail poured again. It was raining so hard in Denver that driving the Motorhome was nerve wrecking. It was the busy hours of the day also. It rained all the way through the state of Colorado. I watched the clouds very closely for possible Tornado since it was predicted that there's a possible Tornado watchout in Colorado and New Mexico. Some snow were on the shoulder of the freeway. It was very cloudy but hasn't come down yet when we got to New Mexico. Today was the worst driving we had so far.
As soon as we got to Raton Koa it started to rain again, so have to wait before we can hook up. According to the KOA owner it hasn't rain here until today when we checked in. We brought the rain with us to Raton, New Mexico. It didn't last very long tho'. Had dinner at Asian Buffet across the street of our campground. Pigged out again with no exercise. Watch TV the rest of the night, American Idol and Dancing with the Stars and updated my blog.

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