Friday, May 13, 2011

RVing to the Dakotas-Douglas-Wyoming-Day 5

Friday-May, 13,2011 Day 5

Left Lyman at 7:45 am. Another day on the road. Took our time and enjoyed the boring scenery. Earl was a little bit stress driving today on a 2 way road. Very windy and a lot of gusty winds all the way to Douglas,Wyoming our destination for today.
Stopped at Wyoming's Independence Rock Center, also a rest area. Walked around the area and watch people climbed the Independence Rock.
Arrived at Douglas KOA at around 3:30 pm. Staying here for 3 days. With the KOA promo we were given 1 free night. Warm and sunny but very windy.
Earl hooked up the rig and cooked spaghetti for dinner. We love spaghetti especially when I cook it.

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