Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Raton-New Mexico-Day 16

Tuesday, May 24, 2011-Day 16

Another traveling day. A beautiful day in Wellington, Colorado when we left at 7:45 am. As soon as we got closer to Denver rain and hail poured again. It was raining so hard in Denver that driving the Motorhome was nerve wrecking. It was the busy hours of the day also. It rained all the way through the state of Colorado. I watched the clouds very closely for possible Tornado since it was predicted that there's a possible Tornado watchout in Colorado and New Mexico. Some snow were on the shoulder of the freeway. It was very cloudy but hasn't come down yet when we got to New Mexico. Today was the worst driving we had so far.
As soon as we got to Raton Koa it started to rain again, so have to wait before we can hook up. According to the KOA owner it hasn't rain here until today when we checked in. We brought the rain with us to Raton, New Mexico. It didn't last very long tho'. Had dinner at Asian Buffet across the street of our campground. Pigged out again with no exercise. Watch TV the rest of the night, American Idol and Dancing with the Stars and updated my blog.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Wellington-Colorado Day 15

Monday, May 23, 2011-Day 15
Our plan had changed due to the nasty weather going through Northwest. Our original plan was to go to Montana and Idaho but instead we decided to go South and hopefully will have a decent weather.
We left Mt. Rushmore KOA at 7:30 and went through Cheyenne,Wyoming to Wellington, Colorado. We saw some daylight when we were in Wyoming but as soon as we got to Wellington KOA it started to rain and hail along with lightning and thunder. Same weather we had when we were in South Dakota. No chance to go out at all. Just stayed in the RV and watched it rain and hail. Alisto scared to death of the thunder. Hid under the bed in the bedroom and didn't show up until there's no more thunder. Tomorrow we are on the way to New Mexico. Dear Lord, hope the weather will be nice so we can go out and do something.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hill City-Keystone,South Dakota-Day 14

Sunday, May 22, 2011-Day 14

Cloudy day when we got up. Went to church in Hill City. Attended mass at 10:00 at St.Rose of Lima Catholic Church. From church we went to Keystone and did some shopping. Ate lunch at Ruby's House. Earl had Fish N' Chips and I had French dip sandwich. Walked around in all their stores. Bought stuff at the Indian Store, they have authentic Indian pottery. From Keystone we went to Mt. Rushmore Memorial again. Stayed there and admired the place and scenery. It was chilly but not as cold as the last time we were there. At 3:00pm we went back to our camp. Earl hooked up the little car to the RV. We are leaving in the morning for Colorado.
Our evening and night routine is shower,dinner and TV.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Deadwood City,South Dakota-Day 13

Saturday, May 21, 2011 - Day 13

It rained again during the night. Still raining when I woke up at 8:30. As soon as the sun came out we went to the city of Deadwood. Old West History-it was the place where Bill "Wild " Hickock got shot at the back while playing poker with 2 Aces and 2 8's and a 9 on his hand. Up to this day if you have those cards it's called "dead man's hand" cards. This is also the place where Calamity Jane died. The main street is where all the shoot outs were held during Bill Hickok's time. Saloons,bars were all here at the time. At the present time main street is full of Casinos and stores.
Deadwood City is full of Old West History.
After eating lunch at Buffalo saloon, we went on a bus tour around the city and at St. Moriah Cemetery. It was rainy all the time we were in Deadwood. Had some ice cream before we left for our camp. Deadwood City is 45 miles from our camp.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Hill City,South Dakota Day 12

Friday, May 20, 2011- Day 12

Rain, hail, snow, lightning and thunder almost all night long. I slept so good in spite of all these. Woke up at 10:30 and surprisingly the sun was out. It was sunny and warm. So right away we decided to go to Hill City. It's a small town just 9 miles of Mt.Rushmore. Did some souvenir shopping, had some huckleberry ice cream and finally ate at a barbecue place. Went to their train depot.The train goes to the town of Keystone and back. People are nice and hospitable. Back to our camp at 3:30. Did 4 loads of laundry. The weather still nice and warm.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mt. Rushmore KOA Camp-Day 11

Thursday, May 19,2011- Day 11

Rain and snow when we got up this morning. Rained all night again continuously. Surprisingly it hasn't flooded yet. Temperature is freezing. We were scheduled to go to Hill City today but it got cancelled. So here we are in the motorhome enjoying the rain while watching TV and munching junk foods. Alisto is just as lazy. Rain,snow go away come again another day Earl and Connie would love to drive away. Didn't feel like cooking so we decided to have some barbecue back ribs and chili burger for dinner at Ponderosa restaurant. Still raining but no more snow.
That's how our Thursday went. Cuddled up and watched TV and read a book the rest of the night. Hope tomorrow will be a nicer day.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Custer City- Crazy Horse Memorial-Day 10

Wednesday, May 18, 2011-Day 10
It rained all night again and slept in till 10:00. Earl woke up at his regular time 6:00.
Fixed breakfast-had bacon,eggs,toast and coffee. After breakfast we went to the city of Custer. Walked around in the area,went to their shops and went to their museum.
After Custer we went to Crazy Horse Memorial Monument. It was very cloudy and looked like rain. Was hesitant to go 'coz we didn't know if we will see the monument. They charged us half the price because of the weather. We took every chance we can get to take pictures. As soon as the clouds moved away from the monument we took pictures. It started to rain again, we went inside the Crazy Horse Center. Amazing place, Indian Museum of North America, all kinds of stuff about Crazy Horse and the sculptor(Korczak Ziolkowski) who started the monument,gift shop,restaurants,free coffee, sculptors studio home and workshop.
Still raining when we left. Back to the camp. Showered,fixed dinner,watch TV and biblical movie then to bed.