Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Challis,Idaho Day # 1

Tuesday- August 3, 2010
Left Jackpot at 7:00 am for Challis,Idaho. We arrived in Challis at 11:30. Stayed at Challis Hot Springs RV Park. It's located 4 and a half miles from the main highway.The park has hot mineral spring therapeutic pool and also hot spring swimming pool.
Earl detached our tow car before we parked the RV.After Earl hooked up the utilities to the RV we both rested and chatted with the neighbors. Had lunch and read my book. After a while we went to the hot mineral pool and soaked there for 15 minutes. Very relaxing. From there we went to the hot spring swimming pool. Stayed there for almost an hour. Had dinner and after dinner we went for a walk by Salmon River and around the park. Bugs and mosquitoes started to come around and started biting so we decided to stay inside the coach. The satellite is not working so no TV just listened to some good music oldies but goodies. Checked my e-mails,facebook and updated my blog. After blogging played solitaire. Earl just relaxing listening to music. 9pm is bedtime for Earl. Connie still reading her book Went to bed at 11:30pm.

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