Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Norris Geyser Basin

Friday, Aug. 20, 2010Our 2nd day in Yellowstone. Today we went to explore the upper loop of Yellowstone. On our way there the ranger had to stop the traffic due to some wild Elks on the road. This was my 1st time to see an Elk. They were amazing not even scared of all the vehicles passing through.

The upper loop of Yellowstone is where the Norris Geyser Basin is located. This basin is a major concentration of thermal attractions including Porcelain Basin and the legendary Steamboat Geyser. It erupts every 3 to 4 minutes. We hiked a mile and a quarter at this basin and a quarter mile to the Steamboat Geyser. It took us longer to get to the upper loop due to road constructions. The way to the upper loop is more scenic than going to the lower loop of Yellowstone. This trip was great. So many things to see.

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