Monday, August 2, 2010

Jackpot, Nevada

Monday,August 2,2010
Left Ely at 8:00am for Jackpot,Nevada. It's a 4 hour drive but with all the constructions going on it took us almost 5 hours to get to our destination. Stopped in the town of Wells and had lunch at a restaurant. Had some mashed potatoes and gravy,chicken,salad and soup. Earl also had some sauerkraut. He love sauerkraut. Had some vanilla and chocolate pudding for dessert.
As we were leaving Earl has to stop he wasn't feeling good. I think the sauerkraut did him. He went back to relieve himself. We waited for a while until he felt better. I gave him immodium and that cured it.
Our cat Alisto was just enjoying the ride and he gets restless when it's hot. Turn the AC and he'll be happy.
Arrived in Jackpot at 1:30pm. Earl hooked up the RV. Relaxed and nap a little bit. After our nap we went to the casino and played slots again. Loser again. I'm not telling how much I lost. Our vacation is just starting.Want to enjoy the rest of it. Left the casino and stopped by a grocery store and bought a block of ice for our cooler. Back to the RV and started cooking our dinner. Soup sounds good. Opened a can of Chicken soup for Earl and mushroom soup for me. Thanks to microwave we had our instant soup dinner. After dinner took shower and watch TV(The Bachelorette Finale) While watching TV I was updating my blog.
It's almost bedtime for Earl. Connie still facebooking and blogging. Bedtime is 11:30 for Connie.

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