Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Old Faithful-Yellowstone

Saturday, Aug. 21, 2010
We enjoyed Old Faithful so much we went back the 2nd time and watch it erupt a few times again. It's so awesome to watch. We watched it from the lodge where we had our lunch. Guess what I and Earl had for lunch, a bison( buffalo meat). Earl had bison meat loaf while I had a bison chili. Not bad at all but you can tell it's not a beef.
After lunch and after watching the eruption we went shopping and had some ice cream. Bought an earring and a necklace(Eagle head necklace). After shopping, walked around the park and stayed at the lodge until we were ready to go home. Watched more Old Faithful eruptions. From the Old Faithful park we went to Church at Yellowstone. It's a beautiful Catholic Church.The name of the church is Our Lady of Pines Catholic Church. After church we went home.

Norris Geyser Basin

Friday, Aug. 20, 2010Our 2nd day in Yellowstone. Today we went to explore the upper loop of Yellowstone. On our way there the ranger had to stop the traffic due to some wild Elks on the road. This was my 1st time to see an Elk. They were amazing not even scared of all the vehicles passing through.

The upper loop of Yellowstone is where the Norris Geyser Basin is located. This basin is a major concentration of thermal attractions including Porcelain Basin and the legendary Steamboat Geyser. It erupts every 3 to 4 minutes. We hiked a mile and a quarter at this basin and a quarter mile to the Steamboat Geyser. It took us longer to get to the upper loop due to road constructions. The way to the upper loop is more scenic than going to the lower loop of Yellowstone. This trip was great. So many things to see.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Yellowstone National Park,Wyoming

Thursday, Aug. 19, 2010Left for Yellowstone National Park at 10:30 am. Today we decided to go to the lower loop of Yellowstone. The lower loop is where you'll see the Old Faithful geyser. Stopped by at KFC and bought an 8 piece chicken and brought it with us to the park for our lunch. Had a little picnic while we were there. Went to the Geysers after lunch and watch the old faithful erupt Really amazing,awesome,faithful and very much on time. The interval between eruptions is about 93 minutes though they said it may vary 30 minutes in either direction. We hiked around the Old Faithful geyser. The area is surrounded with geyser basins and they are all connected to the Old Faithful area by paved trails and it's fairly level and distances are short. Unfortunately we didn't get to see the whole area 'coz it started raining. The rain didn't last very long, wasn't hard enough to get us soaked. Stayed at the park for a while and watched more eruptions. We left around 4:30 pm and on our way home we stopped at Midway Geyser Basin. The major attraction here is the Excelsoir Geyser which is the 3rd largest geyser in the world and once the park's most powerful geyser. It was a great day at Yellowstone. Weather was cloudy,little rainy and a little cool. Got to our RV around 7:00 pm.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Wednesday-Aug.18, 2010On the road again. We are on the way to Montana. Stayed at Madison KOA. Very nice RV Park. Arrived here at 13:30. Hooked the motorhome and afterwards walked around the park. It's a big park. We saw a lot of German tourists.
Spent the rest of the day just relaxing, played my games and fixed dinner. Don't remember what I fixed for dinner. You have to remember I'm writing this blog almost 10 days after the fact. Had a hard time connecting to internet when we were in Montana campground.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fish Hatchery-Mackay

Tuesday- Aug.17, 2010We were supposed to leave today for Yellowstone National Park but Kenneth said that we have an extra day to stay at the RV park. So we stayed but unfortunately Kenneth was wrong. He misunderstood the guy whom he made the reservation. It wasn't really a big deal. We had another extra day to be together. But Clara and their mom left this day for Homedale and Parma. We didn't know where to go so we decided to see the fish hatchery in Mackay and see old cemeteries. Carlye just love to see old cemeteries. I think she's looking for Jesse James,Wyatt Earp and all those old western outlaws graves. That's how we spent our last day in Mackay. Looking for graves.It was interesting. In fact we found the spot where Jesse McCaleb was killed by the Indians. You don't know who Jesse McCaleb was. There's a mountain in Mackay named after him.

White Knob RV Park-Mackay,Idaho

Monday, Aug. 16, 2010
I can't believe it's Monday again. It had been a busy week. We decided to stay at the RV Park this day. It rained all day so I did our laundry and just visited with Earl's family. The weather had been cloudy, rainy and cool. Weird summer especially here in Mackay. It's usually very hot around this time. But we didn't complain in fact we love the rain. Kenneth had some bon fire going outside their trailer and we joined them. Carlye cooked some of the fishes that Kenneth caught fly fishing at the Lost River. Yummy fish!!!! freshly caught.

Mackay High School Reunion-1960-1969

Friday-Sunday, Aug.13-15, 2010
It's Mackay High School Classes 1960-1969 Reunion.
The Woodman siblings attended 2 days of the class reunion activities. There were almost 200 attendees including spouses. Not everybody recognized each other until they looked at their name tags and lo and behold every one aged, some aged good and some did not.
The 1st night of get together was cold and rainy. So everybody had to go inside the bar. Everybody enjoyed their drinks except for Earl and Clara. Clara doesn't drink and Earl is allergic to alcohol. The music played were all on the 60's. Some of them haven't seen each other for almost 48 years. The only teacher alive didn't make it to the reunion due to old age. But Earl's basketball coach was there. You'll see him on these photos. The tall gentleman with Earl. It was a good memorable reunion. We didn't attend the Sunday picnic, Earl and Kenneth prefer to go fishing. We went to mass at 11:30 and the presiding priest was one of the alumni, Fr. Steve. Earl was so surprised to find out that Steve became a priest.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Mackay's Mine Hill Tour

Thursday-August 12, 2010
The whole family decided to take the tour of Mackay's Mine Hill. It brings back memories to the Woodman siblings since they all grew up here. Most of the equipment that we saw used to be functional when they were living here. It was a narrow but beautiful ride up to the top. Mackay is gorgeous. Beautiful scenery from the top. We also gathered some beautiful rocks from the hill where they used to mine. It was a good day today Had so much fun going to that mine hill.
Torquoise color rock. Can't have it, too big and heavy.