Monday, May 18, 2015

Los Banos KOA

Monday, May 18, 2015
Earl got a call from his brother Kenneth and they chatted for a while. They're supposed to meet us at Grants Pass, Oregon but Kenneth's plan had changed and they plan to go to some kind of Lake instead. In other words Earl is a little bit disappointed.
Getting ready to move on to the next stop, Red Bluff. RV and us ready to go. Everything is unhooked and just getting ready to leave when Earl suddenly didn't feel good. He was feeling lightheaded. We took his blood sugar and it was okay, so I took his BP and it was 188/102. It was very high. Waited for a while and took it again and still very high. I went to the office and extended our stay for 1 more night. I called Durango RV resort to cancel the date of our arrival for another day.
I monitored his BP until he felt good. Eventually it came down to normal. Cooked chop suey for lunch. It's a day to relax and rest. Earl took a nap while I'm doing this blog. After Earls nap we went for our walk. Took shower and cooked a homemade chicken soup with pasta,asparagus,cabbage and carrots for dinner. Had sliced peach for dessert. 
Earl is feeling a lot better and his BP is back to normal. Watched TV till bed time. Alista has been a good cat. Hid somewhere and slept all day.

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