Friday, May 29, 2015

7 Feathers Resort Day 3

Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Slept in again.
Stayed all day at the resort. Beautiful sunny day. Just relaxed and talked. Watched Food Network on TV.
At 5pm we went to the casino for the steak and all you can eat crab legs. Earl didn't have any steak nor crab legs. He just ate the regular meal ie baked chicken,mashed potatoes and gravy, salad and no sugar ice chocolate ice cream. I had steak and crab legs,sautéed mushrooms and huckleberry with hazelnut ice cream. After dinner,we went and played the slot machines. I lost my $20 while Earl won $7.
Waited for the shuttle to take us back to the resort,while waiting Earl went back to go to the restroom. On his way back out he hit the glass door so hard with his head that his eyeglasses put pressure that cut his eyebrow and created an inch laceration and bled profusely. The emergency medical technician of the casino was called and provided us bandaid and took all information. He suggested to go to the hospital due to the size of the laceration. Earl didn't feel like going, so I had to clean it and put antibiotic ointment and steric trips and applied ice compress to stop bleeding and swelling. It still oozes a little. Right now I'm observing him make sure it doesn't bleed any more.

7 Feathers Casino


Earl in front of the Casino before he got hit by the glass door.This is how Earl looks after he got hit by the door.

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