Friday, May 29, 2015

7 Feathers RV Resort Day 5

Thursday,May 28, 2015

Thursday, May 28, 2015
Another beautiful day at the resort. Had cereal for breakfast and Earl had Activia for his breakfast.
Spent some time at downtown Canyonville. It has 1200 population and a very small town. I had Bourdeaux cherry ice cream and Earl had fresh berry shakes. Really good. Went to 2 Antique shops. Didn't buy anything. Called the shuttle to take us back to the resort. Went to the Casino at 7:30 for the Sea food buffet for dinner. Played slot machine  again and between me and Earl we lost $25. Back to the RV depressed, besides losing I got sick from their seafoods. Had diarrhea. Took immodium before going to bed.

7 Feathers RV Resort Day 4

Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Another day at 7 Feathers Resort. I cleaned and dressed Earls wound laceration. Still oozing a little bit. We went to Costco in Roseburg to have Earls sunglasses fixed. It got damaged when he ran into the door at the casino and it was the sunglasses that caused the laceration above his left eye. It's 28 miles to Roseburg. Costco replaced the frame for free. While there spent $167 worth of food and merchandise which included our speedo shoes. Had polished sausage for lunch, our regular lunch whenever we're at Costco. Also gassed our little car at Costco $2.79 per gallon.
Back to the resort and put away our groceries.Stayed at the RV the rest of the day.

7 Feathers Resort Day 3

Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Slept in again.
Stayed all day at the resort. Beautiful sunny day. Just relaxed and talked. Watched Food Network on TV.
At 5pm we went to the casino for the steak and all you can eat crab legs. Earl didn't have any steak nor crab legs. He just ate the regular meal ie baked chicken,mashed potatoes and gravy, salad and no sugar ice chocolate ice cream. I had steak and crab legs,sautéed mushrooms and huckleberry with hazelnut ice cream. After dinner,we went and played the slot machines. I lost my $20 while Earl won $7.
Waited for the shuttle to take us back to the resort,while waiting Earl went back to go to the restroom. On his way back out he hit the glass door so hard with his head that his eyeglasses put pressure that cut his eyebrow and created an inch laceration and bled profusely. The emergency medical technician of the casino was called and provided us bandaid and took all information. He suggested to go to the hospital due to the size of the laceration. Earl didn't feel like going, so I had to clean it and put antibiotic ointment and steric trips and applied ice compress to stop bleeding and swelling. It still oozes a little. Right now I'm observing him make sure it doesn't bleed any more.

7 Feathers Casino


Earl in front of the Casino before he got hit by the glass door.This is how Earl looks after he got hit by the door.

Monday, May 25, 2015

7 Feathers RV Resort Day 2

Monday, May 25, 2015
Happy memorial day, a day to remember our soldiers who died for our freedom.
Woke up late this morning it was a little bit chilly. Its 55 degrees and Earl had our heat pump going.
 Took the shuttle to 7 Feathers casino and had our brunch there. Earl had Chicken Fried steak with biscuits and gravy and and glass of milk. I had a Country Benedict with sausage,hash brown,biscuits and gravy and coffee. After brunch, played at the casino. I put $40.00 in the slot machine and got back total of $40.10. Yeepee I won 10 cents. Earl had better luck, he put in $4.00 and got back $6.40. He won $2.40. Thats good for us, we usually lose everything we put in. Decided to go back to the resort before the machine takes our money back. Will try again tomorrow. I also bought Boyong a T-shirt at the gift shop. Back to the RV by shuttle. Updated my blog, went for a walk around the resort and then went to the spa to relax,

After Spa and shower we had our dinner. Had a cherry pie for dessert, a gold medal award pie.
Relaxed and rested the rest of the night.

Day to leave Durango RV Resort and 7 Feathers here we come.

Sunday, May 24, 2015
Left Durango at 7:45am for 7 Feathers at Canyonville,Oregon. Its 245 miles. Stopped at almost every rest area we passed. Took our time since Earl was having pain on his neck and harder for him to drive especially when the wind blows, and its windy on those canyons. Had sandwich and fruits for lunch.
Arrived at7 Feathers at 2:45pm. Gassed 1st $98.00 for 32 gallons. Checked in and we were guided to our space #140. Beautiful day at Canyonville.

Earl started hooking up the coach.
After everything was hooked up, relaxed,watched TV and Earl took a 3 hour nap. Sauteed ground beef with garlic,onions and tomatoes and added a Filipino vegetable called "Parda" for dinner. Yummy.
Waited for Olga and Jerry to come and visit but they never showed up.
Watched TV the rest of the night before going to bed.

Durango RV Resort Memorial Saturday

Saturday, May 23, 2015
 Stayed at the resort and did laundry of our beddings and blankets.
A lot of activities going on at the resort. There were games,relay race,bingo etc.We stayed put and listen to the band at the pool. Good music,70's and 80's music.
We went to mass at 5:15 at Sacred Heart Church. Its Pentecost Sunday and we went to Saturday vigil mass.
After church stopped by the Chinese place and ordered Egg Foo Yung. Grilled some chicken that I marinated and cooked rice to go with it.That was our dinner.
I did another load of laundry in the evening, our clothing this time.
Showered and massage Earls neck with Icy Hot cream.
Watched TV and went to bed a little early.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Lassen Volcanic National Park

Friday, May 22, 2015

Today,we spent our day at Lassen Volcanic National Park. It so happened that today marks the centennial of the Lassen Peak eruption. The area is very volcanic and snow arrives early and stays late as you can see on the photos. It's a volcanic landscape. A few activities and tours going on at the station. The elevation is over 7000 feet very cloudy and had rain. It felt like it was going to snow.
The park was 62 mile from Red Bluff. We got back to the resort at 4pm. Went to Food Max for ground beef and buns. We had grilled hamburger for dinner. Had slight rain. After dinner went for a 25 min. walk.
Showered,watched TV then to bed.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Durango RV Resort-Red Bluff

Thursday, May 21,2015

Another day at the resort. We have to move to another space since we extended our stay till Sunday. Its a Memorial weekend so all the RV Parks at Grants Pass are full. We got no choice but stay over at Red Bluff. I cooked ground turkey with veggies for lunch. After lunch we took our afternoon naps. After our naps we went for a walk and then to the Spa for relaxation.Showered then back to the coach.
Had the left over turkey casserole for dinner. Updating my blog while watching TV. Earl went to bed on his regular time,9pm.

Durango RV Resort-Red Bluff

Wednesday, May 20,2015
Stayed all day at the resort. Rain was on the forecast, big clouds around the area. Went grocery shopping at the local grocery store. Bought some veggies,fruits and milk. We ate our leftover chinese food for lunch. We both took a nap but I took the longer one. Had lettuce,tomato and turkey cold cuts for dinner.Started raining around 7pm and rained till midnight. Although it wasnt a hard rain.Watched the finale of Survivor. Earl went to bed at 10pm. I still watched David Lettermen's last show. I went to bed at 1am.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Red Bluff-Durango RV Resort

Tuesday, May, 19, 2015

Left Los Banos KOA at 0700 headed for Red Bluff. Had lunch at the rest area right after Sacramento. Had our famous Bologna and Cheese sandwich and coke for lunch. Easiest lunch to fix, Thank God Earl is not picky on his food.
Arrived at Durango RV Resort in Red Bluff at 2:40 pm. Set up our rig and went for Chinese food for dinner. After dinner we tried to make reservation at Grants Pass RV resort but no space available. We tried to call 4 RV places but none available so we extended our stay in Durango till Sunday. We forgot that it's Memorial weekend.
For relaxation we went to the spa and stayed there for a while.
Watch TV the rest of the night till bedtime.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Los Banos KOA

Monday, May 18, 2015
Earl got a call from his brother Kenneth and they chatted for a while. They're supposed to meet us at Grants Pass, Oregon but Kenneth's plan had changed and they plan to go to some kind of Lake instead. In other words Earl is a little bit disappointed.
Getting ready to move on to the next stop, Red Bluff. RV and us ready to go. Everything is unhooked and just getting ready to leave when Earl suddenly didn't feel good. He was feeling lightheaded. We took his blood sugar and it was okay, so I took his BP and it was 188/102. It was very high. Waited for a while and took it again and still very high. I went to the office and extended our stay for 1 more night. I called Durango RV resort to cancel the date of our arrival for another day.
I monitored his BP until he felt good. Eventually it came down to normal. Cooked chop suey for lunch. It's a day to relax and rest. Earl took a nap while I'm doing this blog. After Earls nap we went for our walk. Took shower and cooked a homemade chicken soup with pasta,asparagus,cabbage and carrots for dinner. Had sliced peach for dessert. 
Earl is feeling a lot better and his BP is back to normal. Watched TV till bed time. Alista has been a good cat. Hid somewhere and slept all day.

Pacific Northwest Journey

Sunday, May 17, 2015
Left Chino Hills at 7:45 on the way to our Pacific Northwest trip.
We're taking I-5 all the way to Oregon and Washington. Stopped at Button Willow for lunch and for gas. Stopped on all rest area for pit stop and also for Earl to rest on his driving. We had encountered a lot of gusty winds and that become very stressful when driving an RV.
Our 1st overnight stay is at Los Banos KOA. We arrived at 1700 and we just hooked up water,electricity and cable TV. Plan to stay one night. We had Bologna and cheese for dinner. Had our showers and rested and watch TV the rest of the night till bed time.