Thursday, June 16, 2011

Laughlin, Nevada

Tuesday, May 31,2011
Left Williams for Laughlin Nevada. Stayed here for 3 days at the Riverside RV Resort. It's the last lag of our trip so we stayed most of the time shopping,eating and playing the slot machine. As usual we never win but it was still fun to gamble a little bit. I did most of the playing while Earl watched me lose what I put in. The weather was hot, what a contrast from where we'd been.
Believe it or not we found the Western Derby Hat (Bat Masterson's Hat) that Earl had been looking for for ages. We looked in every State that we had been with no luck and it's ironic that we found it in our last stop of our trip. Now Earl is happy to have the hat that he loves.
3 days playing in the Casino was enough for us before we lose everything we got plus our souls. So we decided to go home. Home sweet home!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Grand Canyon- Day 22

Monday, May 30, 2011- Day 22
It's Memorial Day. We decided it was a good day to go to Grand Canyon. We've been here few times and we just love to come and see the Canyon again. It's an hour drive from our camp. The Canyon is awesome.Beautiful place to spend Memorial day. We spent some time at the village and had lunch at the cafe inside a huge grocery store. Unfortunately it was here when I accidentally threw Earl's dental bridge. He took it off 'coz it bothers him when he eats. We didn't stay very long at Grand Canyon. Went back to our camp and relaxed the rest of the day. I think this is what you call retirement.

Williams-Arizona Day 21

Sunday,May 29,2011- Day 21
It's Sunday, went to mass at St. Josephs Church in Williams. After lunch had breakfast at a Greek family restaurant. It's a beautiful and windy day to go to Sedona. It took us an hour and a half to get there from Williams. As soon as we parked our car we took a shuttle tour of Sedona. Beautiful place. Red rocks everywhere. Had lunch at a Cowboy restaurant. I ordered buffalo burger and Earl had regular grilled burger. The sandwich was huge. Just ate half of the sandwich. After lunch walked around and browsed on all the stores. We've been looking for a derby Bat Masterson hat since South Dakota. It's a hat that Earl would love to have. Left Sedona at 3:00 pm and headed back to our camp in Williams. Rested the rest of the day.

Williams-Arizona-Day 20

Saturday, May 28, 2011- Day 20

Left Gallup for Williams, Arizona at 8:00 am. Arrived at Williams KOA at 1:30 pm. Hooked up the rig and relaxed the rest of the day. Cooked dinner. Earl went for a walk. After dinner played games on my computer. This KOA didn't have cable TV. Made some DVD's of previous vacations.

Gallup-New Mexico-Day 19

Friday, May 27,2011- Day 19

Left Santa Fe for Gallup, New Mexico at 8:30. Arrived in Gallup KOA at 1:00 pm. The KOA here is owned by La Quinta hotel. The location is very convenient to restaurants and casino. Had lunch at Denny's which is just next door to KOA. Went to their jewelry outlet which is also just next door to our location. Nothing interested me so we left without buying anything. Too expensive. Wind still blowing hard, temperature was warm. Took the shuttle and went to the Red Rock Casino. Had dinner there and I had grilled lamb ribs and Earl had burgers. After dinner played slot machine. As usual losers again. After all my cash were gone we decided to go back to our camp. It took a while before the shuttle picked us up. They only have 1 shuttle to pick customers from Gallup. Watched TV before bed.

Santa Fe-New Mexico-Day 18

Thursday, May 26,2011- Day 18

Our 2nd day at Santa Fe. We went to town of Santa Fe and toured the area. We were here 10 years ago right after 9/11. The town had grown since then. Had lunch at one of the Mexican cafes. Browsed in all the stores. Like any other tourist area everything was expensive. Didn't buy anything. Stopped by at St. Francis Cathedral and then we went to see the "Miracle Stair" at Loreto Church. Bought some religious articles from their gift shop. From Loreto church we went to see San Miguel church the oldest church in United States. And just around the corner is the oldest house in US.

Santa Fe-New Mexico-Day 17

Can't sign in on my blog for 10 days.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011-Day 17
Left Raton at 8:30 for Santa Fe, New Mexico. It was very windy when we arrived. Earl hooked up the rig and surveyed the area after we got settled. It's a quiet KOA and a lot of trees. Ordered pizza at the office for our dinner. Good pizza but sure raised my blood pressure from the salt. Had bad headache all night long and I blamed it from the pizza. Earl went to bed early and I watched my regular program on TV in spite of my headache.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Raton-New Mexico-Day 16

Tuesday, May 24, 2011-Day 16

Another traveling day. A beautiful day in Wellington, Colorado when we left at 7:45 am. As soon as we got closer to Denver rain and hail poured again. It was raining so hard in Denver that driving the Motorhome was nerve wrecking. It was the busy hours of the day also. It rained all the way through the state of Colorado. I watched the clouds very closely for possible Tornado since it was predicted that there's a possible Tornado watchout in Colorado and New Mexico. Some snow were on the shoulder of the freeway. It was very cloudy but hasn't come down yet when we got to New Mexico. Today was the worst driving we had so far.
As soon as we got to Raton Koa it started to rain again, so have to wait before we can hook up. According to the KOA owner it hasn't rain here until today when we checked in. We brought the rain with us to Raton, New Mexico. It didn't last very long tho'. Had dinner at Asian Buffet across the street of our campground. Pigged out again with no exercise. Watch TV the rest of the night, American Idol and Dancing with the Stars and updated my blog.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Wellington-Colorado Day 15

Monday, May 23, 2011-Day 15
Our plan had changed due to the nasty weather going through Northwest. Our original plan was to go to Montana and Idaho but instead we decided to go South and hopefully will have a decent weather.
We left Mt. Rushmore KOA at 7:30 and went through Cheyenne,Wyoming to Wellington, Colorado. We saw some daylight when we were in Wyoming but as soon as we got to Wellington KOA it started to rain and hail along with lightning and thunder. Same weather we had when we were in South Dakota. No chance to go out at all. Just stayed in the RV and watched it rain and hail. Alisto scared to death of the thunder. Hid under the bed in the bedroom and didn't show up until there's no more thunder. Tomorrow we are on the way to New Mexico. Dear Lord, hope the weather will be nice so we can go out and do something.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hill City-Keystone,South Dakota-Day 14

Sunday, May 22, 2011-Day 14

Cloudy day when we got up. Went to church in Hill City. Attended mass at 10:00 at St.Rose of Lima Catholic Church. From church we went to Keystone and did some shopping. Ate lunch at Ruby's House. Earl had Fish N' Chips and I had French dip sandwich. Walked around in all their stores. Bought stuff at the Indian Store, they have authentic Indian pottery. From Keystone we went to Mt. Rushmore Memorial again. Stayed there and admired the place and scenery. It was chilly but not as cold as the last time we were there. At 3:00pm we went back to our camp. Earl hooked up the little car to the RV. We are leaving in the morning for Colorado.
Our evening and night routine is shower,dinner and TV.