Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hot and Humid Saturday=July 17,2010

Saturday,July 17,20104:00pm Got ready for our friend Victor's Retirement Party at his home in Chino Hills. By the time we got to his place it was almost 5:30pm. A lot of food
and a lot of people. Stayed there for an hour and a half.

After this party we were on our way to Dr.Eke's place in Riverside for his son's birhday and also found out it was his birthday too.

Dr.Eke had a lot of Nigerian food,music and dances. There was "pinata" for kids and all kinds of stuffs. I'd seen all kinds of fancy Nigerian clothes worn by some of his guests. I wished I took some pictures. Dr.Ahn and his wife Linda were there. Pat Sloman and some of his clinic staffs were there. It was so nice to see Dr. Ahn and he sure looked better than when he was still working. See, what retirement does to you? It makes you look and feel young. C'mon people retire and join the retiree club.
We stayed at Dr. Eke's place till 9:30pm.
That's how Earl and I spent this hot and humid Saturday. It was a full Saturday.
Got home around 10:15pm.

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