Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hot and Humid Saturday=July 17,2010

Saturday,July 17,2010
Woke up at 6:00 am and got ready to go to "The Shoppes" in Chino Hills to participate in "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer".It was an easy 2 mile walk and it was a good turnout.Dr. Eke who is one of the Board of Directors of American Cancer Society was one of the attendees. Earl,myself,Pat Sloman and some of the Kaiser Clinic employees were there too,Survivors and supporters from all over the Inland Empire were well represented.
It was a very humid and hot day and I brought an umbrella for me to help beat the heat. A lot of young volunteers cheered and offered water as we walked our route.
There was a little entertainment and the event lasted till 10:00am.After the event Earl went home to work on his sprinkle projects while I stayed at Barnes and Noble to cool off and read some magazines and refreshed myself with a Venti Starbuch Frapuccino.I stayed there till 1:30pm. And from there I stopped by In N' Out for 3 double double Burgers and French Fries. That was our lunch.

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