Saturday, July 31, 2010

Las Vegas

Saturday, July 31,2010
Left Chino Hills at 7:00 am and arrived at our 1st destination Las Vegas at 12 noon. It was so hot and didn't feel like doing anything. Earl hooked up the RV utilities. Turned the AC on and Connie fell asleep. Connie slept till 4pm. Had leftover pizza for late lunch. Earl had pastrami sandwich for lunch while I was asleep. After my late lunch we got ready for church. We went to the 5:30 pm mass at The Guardian Angel Catholic Church. It was a walking distance from the RV park. After church we had some slurpees, just right for the hot weather. I had pina colada while Earl had a no sugar crystal light slurpee. Stopped by Circus-Circus Casino and played at penny machine. As usual no luck. After losing $20 in 20 minutes Earl and I decided to quit. We had fun for 20 minutes. I really don't call that fun if you lose $20 in 20 minutes time. I'll try my luck again next time.Back to the RV. Took showers and ate our dinner. Another pastrami.
Our cat Alisto is so docile. Doesn't like the hot weather either. Just like to sleep. Will just get up when hungry or use the litter box when nature calls. Earl went to bed at 9:30 while I checked my e-mails,facebook and started my blog. Went to bed at 11:30pm.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Summer 2010-Venice,Hollywood,LA

Tuesday-July 20,2010
Left for LA at 11:00 am with the German exchange students. Joined the group to have fun and at the same time connect with Sandra Hertrampt their German coordinator.We became friends since she started working with IST 3 years ago.We 1st went to Venice and strolled around. You sure see all sorts of people here. It's been so long since I was here. From Venice we headed to Rodeo Drive. It scares me to go to their stores so I didn't go inside at all. If I go inside I sure would like to buy stuff but looking at the prices forget it.
From there we went to Hollywood.Went inside the Kodak theatre and look around. Sandra bought a purse,shorts for herself and her boyfriend,T-shirts. Had some ice cream while waiting for time.
After Hollywood we headed to Farmer's Market. Had dinner at Chipotle and had a large Chicken Burrito. After our dinner we walked about and watched the students spend their money. They love to go to Acrombie and Fitch store. We rode the Trolley on the way to our bus.
Left Farmer's Market at 8:00pm and arrived in Chino Hills at 9:00pm

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hot and Humid Saturday=July 17,2010

Saturday,July 17,20104:00pm Got ready for our friend Victor's Retirement Party at his home in Chino Hills. By the time we got to his place it was almost 5:30pm. A lot of food
and a lot of people. Stayed there for an hour and a half.

After this party we were on our way to Dr.Eke's place in Riverside for his son's birhday and also found out it was his birthday too.

Dr.Eke had a lot of Nigerian food,music and dances. There was "pinata" for kids and all kinds of stuffs. I'd seen all kinds of fancy Nigerian clothes worn by some of his guests. I wished I took some pictures. Dr.Ahn and his wife Linda were there. Pat Sloman and some of his clinic staffs were there. It was so nice to see Dr. Ahn and he sure looked better than when he was still working. See, what retirement does to you? It makes you look and feel young. C'mon people retire and join the retiree club.
We stayed at Dr. Eke's place till 9:30pm.
That's how Earl and I spent this hot and humid Saturday. It was a full Saturday.
Got home around 10:15pm.

Hot and Humid Saturday=July 17,2010

Saturday,July 17,2010
Woke up at 6:00 am and got ready to go to "The Shoppes" in Chino Hills to participate in "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer".It was an easy 2 mile walk and it was a good turnout.Dr. Eke who is one of the Board of Directors of American Cancer Society was one of the attendees. Earl,myself,Pat Sloman and some of the Kaiser Clinic employees were there too,Survivors and supporters from all over the Inland Empire were well represented.
It was a very humid and hot day and I brought an umbrella for me to help beat the heat. A lot of young volunteers cheered and offered water as we walked our route.
There was a little entertainment and the event lasted till 10:00am.After the event Earl went home to work on his sprinkle projects while I stayed at Barnes and Noble to cool off and read some magazines and refreshed myself with a Venti Starbuch Frapuccino.I stayed there till 1:30pm. And from there I stopped by In N' Out for 3 double double Burgers and French Fries. That was our lunch.