Saturday, September 19, 2009

Summer Vacation 2009 Day2

Saturday, 9-19-2009
Still in Vegas. Earl got up at 6:00 and went for his walk. Locked himself out of the RV. Waited for an hour before he started knocking where I was sleeping. Woke up to let him in. Went back to sleep and didn't wake up till 10:00. Earl called his mom and chatted for awhile and he also called the next RV Park where we gonna stay in Utah.
Checked my e-mail and skyped with my niece Betty in France. We skyped for almost 30 minutes. After we skyped with her we went to the fashion show mall at the strip. Had lunch at their food court. Had KFC for lunch. Bought some clothes at Chicos and had light coffee frapuccino at Starbuck. Stayed at the mall till 3:15. From there we went to mass at the Guardian Angel Cathedral Church.
From church we went back to the RV and fixed dinner. Had chicken-spinach sausage and pickled asparagus. After dinner we went to the casino and played slots. I had $8 for gambling money and Earl had a whopping $3 for gambling money. We are really big gamblers. Played the penny slot machine and when it took my $6 I quit the penny machine. I decided to spend the remaining $2 in a nickel machine. It took 3 spins and won 500 nickels. I quit after that. I was $16 ahead when we left. That's all the gambling we did in Vegas. By the way Earl lost his $3.
So happy with my winnings.

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