Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Summer Vacation 2009 Day 6

Wednesday, 9-23-2009
Left at 7:30 for Twin Falls, Idaho. Stopped at one of the rest stop and had our breakfast sandwich. Arrived in Twin Falls at 11:30. Didn't feel like going anywhere.It was hot when we arrived that we have to turn the AC again.
I gave Earl a haircut and did our laundry.
Had chicken bake for dinner.Walked around the area. Nothing exciting to do so just stayed at the park.
The canyon where Evil Knievel tried to jump many years ago is just few miles from where were at.
Our Route 66 sign broke while I was moving my chair forward. Glass all over the place. I end up cleaning the inside of the RV make sure there are'nt any broken glasses all over.

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