Saturday, April 23, 2011

Araullo High School Grand Reunion-Feb.19, 2011

Feb.19,2011- Saturday
This activity is for all graduates of AHS from the beginning of the school up to 2010 graduates.
Since our batch was the Golden Jubilarian we were required to wear the special Golden Jubilarian ID and we were also the sponsor of the mass for the whole grand reunion celebration. Our Valedictorian Jaime Yambao donated flowers for the altar and was also the cantor during mass. Jaime was a retired Philippine Ambassador to Middle East(can't remember what country) Prescy Funtera was the coordinator of the mass with the AHS Alumni Association. The sound system was donated by our batch. It was a great sound system and it's something that the high school can use on their activities.
Quite a few classes were represented from the 50's to the present. My College classmates husband Ben de Guzman was a Class '64 graduate, my sister Lumen a '62 grad and my sister Remy a '69 grad. They were all there and part of representation of their classes.
The grand reunion didn't start till 1pm.
Before the reunion we 1st went to celebrate Lumen and Nene Lupiba's birthday by the Harbor.
Childhood friends were invited(Lita Lupiba,Nene Lupiba and Zeny Ignacio).Great to see and spend some time with them.
After the reunion we stopped by St. Vincent de Paul to attend mass but we were late in getting there,the mass was almost over but anyway it was nice to see our old Parish Church. From there we went to the place where we grew up in Zobel. Our house is no longer there after it got burned.The area had completely changed.

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