Monday, January 3, 2011

Hawaiian Cruise Day 2

Monday, Dec. 20, 2010
At Sea.
Earl got up at 5:30 AM. Walked around the deck several times for his regular walk. Overcast skies and rough seas. My patch didn't work. I was sick from all the motions of the ship. Inspite of the sea sickness I still manage to eat the food that they have. We have an open seating so we don't have to eat on a specific time. We love to go to the top deck, it's called Crows Nest. It's right in front of the ship. They do all their dancing, karoake and games here. They have a bar and stewards are all nice people. It's a good place to relax,nap and play trivias.
We go and watch TV and love the popcorns that they put out. Always looking forward for the popcorns.

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