Friday, January 28, 2011

Hawaiian Cruise Last Day

Sunday, Jan.2, 2011
Day 15, the last day.
Zaandam docks in San Diego at 6:00 AM
Earl and I scheduled ourselves to disembark at 9:30.
Had breakfast for the last time at the Lido deck. It was a sad moment for everybody. It seems like every passenger bonded with the ship stewards. Had some picture taken with them. The stewards were all so nice, pleasant and helpful.

Hawaiian Cruise Day 14

Saturday, Jan.1st 2011-Happy New Year!!!!
The Zaandam ship docked at Ensenada, Mexico at 8:00PM.
All evening and all night long the crews and all the passengers celebrated the coming of New Year in different lounges of the ship. Food snacks, balloons, horns all over the place. The ship crews and most of the passengers celebrated at the Mondrian lounge, some at the Crow's Nest and some at the other lounges. Celebrated New Years with a lot of Champagnes.

Hawaiian Cruise Day 13

Friday, Dec. 31,2010
At Sea.
Overcast skies, gentle breeze, smooth seas and the temperature is 55 degrees. The sea is so calm and you can't even tell that the ship is sailing. We are getting close to Ensenada, another day and another night of cruising. The ship only goes 18-20 miles an hour.
Same routine again. We also watched the stewards make the animal creature made of turkish towels. The cabin stewards make different animal on their respective assigned cabin every day.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hawaiian Cruise Day 12

Thursday, Dec. 30, 2010
At Sea
Fresh breeze, overcast skies, moderate seas. Temperature is getting cold 70 degrees compared to 85 degrees.
Same old daily routine. Still pigging out up in Lido deck. Still shopping, casino, walkabout,etc. Went to attend the Digital Photo workshop class.

Hawaiian Cruise Day 11

Wednesday, Dec.29, 2010
Still at sea. Strong breeze, rough seas and partly cloudy skies.
Same routine all day.
Have to meet the captain for formal dinner. It was a good dinner with good acquaintances from diff. states, all seniors. But unfortunately for me, not good. I wasn't feeling well. The rough seas is making me sick. We had to leave early and back to our cabin and took dramamine. What a relief, went to sleep.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hawaiian Cruise Day 10

Tuesday, Dec. 28,2010
Day 10
We are at sea. Partly cloudy skies, fresh light breeze and moderate seas.
This is our routine each day at sea. Earl wakes up at 5:30 AM, goes to Lido deck at 6am for coffee and muffin. After coffee, went for a walk around the deck several times and at 7:30 wakes me up.
At 8:00am goes to Wajang theatre to attend mass. After mass goes to Lido deck for our breakfast. After breakfast start to make rounds on different areas of the ship. We always have our lunch at 12:30 and dinner at 6:30. But today we are having a Polynesian Barbecue at the Pool deck.
Earl goes to bed at 9:00pm. I watch TV before I go to bed and I go to bed at midnight.

Hawaiian Cruise Day 9

Monday, Dec.27, 2010
Day 9
Zaandam anchors in Lahaina, Maui at 7:02 AM
Skies still overcast with gentle breeze.
Same routine in the morning. The ship wasn't docked at the shore of Lahaina so they have to use the Tenders to haul people into the shore of Lahaina. We decided to stay in the ship. I get motion sickness on those Tenders or small boat that hauls people. We have been in Lahaina before and was there for 4 days. Nice island like the rest.
Stayed in the ship watch movies at Wajang theatre, shopped at the Signature Shoppe and bought a $10 watch for me and for Earl. After the shoppe went to the casino, and then went for a walk around the deck. From the walk we went to our favorite place the Crow's Nest deck. Had a drink of soda and had some crackers and peanuts. Watch people learn how to dance the Samba, etc. We also watch the whales while on ship at Lahaina.
Relaxed the rest of the day.
The ship sailed at 5:12 PM for Ensenada, Mexico.

Hawaiian Cruise Day 8

Sunday, Dec.26, 2010
Day 8
Zaandam cruise ship docks in Honolulu,Oahu at 7:26 AM.
Overcast skies and gentle breeze.
Same early morning routine, Earl walked around the deck, Connie slept in as usual. Woke up at 9:30 an headed at Lido deck for breakfast. After breakfast we embarked to the shore and enjoyed Honolulu's warm,humid weather. The clouds started to accumulate and predicted rain and flash floods in some areas. The Luau was cancelled due to the weather. Earl and I took the shuttle and went around and shopped. Mostly window shopping. The beach was great. Walked around the harbor and enjoyed the beach. Went back to the ship and ate and relaxed. Started to rain early evening, just slightly it's just one of those rain that will only dirty your car. Stayed the rest of the day at the Crow's Nest deck where they were playing some trivia games. Joined the trivia game and lo and behold we found out how dingy we were. Only answered 10% of the questions. Stayed at this deck for a while and watch Honolulu in the rain.
Had dinner usual time.
The ship sailed for Lahaina,Maui at 11:35 PM.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hawaiian Cruise Day 7

Saturday, Christmas Day 2010
Day 7 at Sea all night long.
The Christmas tree was lit the night before with
Christmas carol songs by the crew and everyone. Also went to midnight mass.
Left Hilo yesterday at 4:45 PM. We are on our way to Nawiliwili, Kauai.
The Zaandam docks in Nawiliwili at 9:20 AM. There's gentle breeze, partly cloudy and it's 86 degrees. It's also humid.
After we docked we went a shore and took a shuttle to the beach. There's a Marriott Hotel by the beach and that's where almost everybody goes. Nice area and a lot of tourist. It was breezy and warm and humid. In the island of Kauai there's no building taller than coconut trees that's the reason the Marriott hotel is not that high.
After staying all morning at the beach we returned to the ship and did our daily routine. A lot of activities going on inside the ship on Christmas day. A lot of food again. Boy we are pigging out and I think I already gained few pounds. Just look at my arms.