Sunday, September 5, 2010

Mini Reunion Day # 2

Saturday, Aug. 28, 2010
Today is a continuation of our reunion. It's going to be at Peachy's house again. Earl and I went to their house around 10am to have Peachy's power breakfast. Peachy's power breakfast is consist of eggs,fried rice,corned beef and adobo and any drink you want. When we got there our classmate Elsa Castro was there and just arrived from Michigan. Her new name now is Andrea William Parker. Haven't seen her since we graduated from college that's 44 yrs. ago. One by one our classmates were arriving at Peachy's house. We had our food catered from a Filipino caterer. All filipino foods. There were 16 of us plus some spouses who showed up at this reunion. We watched the DVD of our college days and previous reunions, Karoake headed by Peachy,Susan and Kohnia. It was an all day affair. Everybody started leaving around 6pm

Friday, September 3, 2010

Mini Reunion @ Peachy's House

Friday, Aug.27, 2010
Went to Peachy's house at 10:30am. Waited for our classmates who were coming from San Diego. They arrived around noon and they brought with them food that Rodie cooked(adobo and pinacbet) for our lunch. Really good. Had a lot of reminiscing of the past. The rest of our classmates arrived in the evening. We were supposed to meet at Aria Casino but we decided to meet and have dinner at Sam's Town Casino. Peachy was so busy trying to get hold of everybody to inform them of the changes in plan. Ben, Peachy's husband suggested to have dinner at Sam's town since they have Seafood Buffet at a reasonable price. And everybody agreed. That's how the plan was changed. Anyway everybody seemed to enjoy the meal and the company. A lot of fun.

On The road Again- Cedars City to Las Vegas

Thursday, Aug. 26, 2010
Another day of traveling. This time it's not as long. Just 4 hrs. drive to Vegas.
Checked in at Sam's Town RV Park. Just across the Casino. After we hooked up the motorhome we went to the casino to cool off. It was so hot when we arrived that even our cat was panting and restless due to the heat. We had to turn the AC as soon as we arrived before our cat before our cat suffers from heat stroke.
Played at the casino until my big gambling money was gone. Don't worry it's only $2 that I lost. Played the penny machine slot. We came here to have fun and not to lose our soul.

Cedars City,Utah

Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2010
We toured the city of Cedars in our car. Nice city. A lot of activities happens here. Festivals, Shakesperean Plays are all happening here. Southern Utah University is here. Nice shopping place across the Fwy from our location.
Today is laundry day. I want to stay fresh for our next stop, Las Vegas.
The rest of the day is relaxation day. Didn't prepare any meal, just ate out.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Zion National Park

Tuesday, Aug. 24, 2010After breakfast we decided to go to Zion National Park. Left at 10:30am and arrived at Zion at noon time. It was a nice trip altho' it was hot. As soon as we got to the visitor's center we parked our car and took the shuttle to the park. They won't allow cars anymore to the park. We tried to sneaked in with our car but we were turned around. The shuttle comes every 6 to 8 minutes on every stop. There were 8 stops and you can stop on each one and looked around or you can hike if you want to. Beautiful, beautiful sceneries. On our way home we stopped at a trading post and had some ice cream. We are both diabetics but with all the walking we did and the heat that we had to bear I think 2 scoops of ice cream just sounded yummy and refreshing. While at the trading post we met the English couple who'd been traveling all over the Western States. On our way out we stopped at some stores that are selling all kinds of rocks with different colors.

Brigham City to Cedars City, Utah

Monday, Aug. 23, 2010Left Brigham City KOA at 6:00 am for Cedars City,Utah. Another 6 hour drive. I don't mind it, Earl loves driving the motorhome and Alisto our cat just sleeps most of the time. Alisto loves RVing. Arrived in Cedars City around 1pm. Hooked up and relaxed. Had pork chop with cream of mushroom and rice for dinner. We've been eating out a lot and this time I decided to cook. Craving for homecooked food. The temperature in Cedars City was hot. We really had some weird weather. This KOA is really nice. We will be here here for 4 days.

On the Road Again-Yellowstone to Brigham City

Sunday, Aug. 22, 2010
Traveling time. Left Yellowstone at 7:00 am on the way to Brigham City, Utah. Arrived at our destination at 2:00pm. Cloudy,windy and rainy when we arrived at Brigham City KOA. Just stayed here 1 night. We only travel 250 to 300 miles in a day. It was a good place for overnight. We just had a sandwich for dinner and some chips. Just right. Good night to all. We need a good night rest for another day of traveling in the morning.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Old Faithful-Yellowstone

Saturday, Aug. 21, 2010
We enjoyed Old Faithful so much we went back the 2nd time and watch it erupt a few times again. It's so awesome to watch. We watched it from the lodge where we had our lunch. Guess what I and Earl had for lunch, a bison( buffalo meat). Earl had bison meat loaf while I had a bison chili. Not bad at all but you can tell it's not a beef.
After lunch and after watching the eruption we went shopping and had some ice cream. Bought an earring and a necklace(Eagle head necklace). After shopping, walked around the park and stayed at the lodge until we were ready to go home. Watched more Old Faithful eruptions. From the Old Faithful park we went to Church at Yellowstone. It's a beautiful Catholic Church.The name of the church is Our Lady of Pines Catholic Church. After church we went home.

Norris Geyser Basin

Friday, Aug. 20, 2010Our 2nd day in Yellowstone. Today we went to explore the upper loop of Yellowstone. On our way there the ranger had to stop the traffic due to some wild Elks on the road. This was my 1st time to see an Elk. They were amazing not even scared of all the vehicles passing through.

The upper loop of Yellowstone is where the Norris Geyser Basin is located. This basin is a major concentration of thermal attractions including Porcelain Basin and the legendary Steamboat Geyser. It erupts every 3 to 4 minutes. We hiked a mile and a quarter at this basin and a quarter mile to the Steamboat Geyser. It took us longer to get to the upper loop due to road constructions. The way to the upper loop is more scenic than going to the lower loop of Yellowstone. This trip was great. So many things to see.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Yellowstone National Park,Wyoming

Thursday, Aug. 19, 2010Left for Yellowstone National Park at 10:30 am. Today we decided to go to the lower loop of Yellowstone. The lower loop is where you'll see the Old Faithful geyser. Stopped by at KFC and bought an 8 piece chicken and brought it with us to the park for our lunch. Had a little picnic while we were there. Went to the Geysers after lunch and watch the old faithful erupt Really amazing,awesome,faithful and very much on time. The interval between eruptions is about 93 minutes though they said it may vary 30 minutes in either direction. We hiked around the Old Faithful geyser. The area is surrounded with geyser basins and they are all connected to the Old Faithful area by paved trails and it's fairly level and distances are short. Unfortunately we didn't get to see the whole area 'coz it started raining. The rain didn't last very long, wasn't hard enough to get us soaked. Stayed at the park for a while and watched more eruptions. We left around 4:30 pm and on our way home we stopped at Midway Geyser Basin. The major attraction here is the Excelsoir Geyser which is the 3rd largest geyser in the world and once the park's most powerful geyser. It was a great day at Yellowstone. Weather was cloudy,little rainy and a little cool. Got to our RV around 7:00 pm.