Saturday, August 22, 2009

Route66 Allegro Campout Day2

Saturday 8-22-2009

Cloudy morning. Earl got up at 6:00 and called his mother. I got up at 9:00 and cooked breakfast. Had Hawaiian spam and eggs and fried rice. After breakfast we went to the beach for a walk. Beautiful cloudy day but nice. We seldom walk on the beach but guess what we encountered lying there..a dead seal.

After the wonderful walk we headed back to our rig and relaxed. Had peanuts and coke and tea for our snack.

Took a nap in the afternoon and didn't get up till almost 5:00 pm and almost time for our meeting and dinner. I brought green salad for our potluck. After the meeting and potluck dinner we all stayed around the fire and visited.

It was a good full day.

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