Sunday, August 23, 2009

Route 66 Allegro Campout Day3

Sunday 8-23-2009

Time to go home. What a short weekend. It seems like we just hooked up our coach and now it's time to unhooked it again.

But we all had fun even our cat Alisto. Our cat loves to go RVing. Well behaved and just stay put when the coach is moving.Left the resort at 10:20 and arrived in Chino Hills at 12:20. Exactly 2 hours.
Unpacked and cleaned the coach and ready for the next campout.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Route66 Allegro Campout Day2

Saturday 8-22-2009

Cloudy morning. Earl got up at 6:00 and called his mother. I got up at 9:00 and cooked breakfast. Had Hawaiian spam and eggs and fried rice. After breakfast we went to the beach for a walk. Beautiful cloudy day but nice. We seldom walk on the beach but guess what we encountered lying there..a dead seal.

After the wonderful walk we headed back to our rig and relaxed. Had peanuts and coke and tea for our snack.

Took a nap in the afternoon and didn't get up till almost 5:00 pm and almost time for our meeting and dinner. I brought green salad for our potluck. After the meeting and potluck dinner we all stayed around the fire and visited.

It was a good full day.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Route 66 Allegro Campout

Friday 8-21-2009
Our niece Betty left for Bordeaux, France today while we left for Ventura RV Resort for our monthly campout. left at 1100 and arrived at the park around 1:30. It's a nice resort close to the beach. I have to cook an Italian dish for our potluck tonight. Being a Filipino you would think I'll cook something Filipino dish but wrong. That's too much work for me. Italian dish is so easy. Just go to Costco and whalaa a dish is created. Heat and serve.
There were 14 rigs that showed up and so far that's the biggest turnout of our club in 1 campout.
After dinner Earl and I went to the beach. It was a litlle bit cold.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Farewell to IST Students

Saturday 8-8-2009

Angie,Lorena and the rest of the German students are leaving today. Lorena and Angie didn't want to leave. Took them to Jack in the Box but didn't have the appetite to eat at all. They just ordered curly fries and coke. I offered them my stuffed jalopenos and they liked it.

Took them to the church parking lot at 2:45 pm where the bus will pick them all up. Sad moments for everybody.

Farewell to German Students

Friday 8-7-2009

Farewell Party to the IST(German) students. It was an emotional evening for both host parents and students. You don't realize how you get attach to these kids. Their stay has been a wonderful experience for both parties. Earl enjoys taking them anywhere they want. He loves them and caters to them. Both Angie and Lorena enjoyed Earl so much and respected him like their own father. They respected me too eventhough I didn't get to spend a lot of time with them 'coz I'm at work most of the time.

Monday, August 3, 2009

LA Zoo

Saturday 8-01-2009

Nice day to go to the Zoo. Took Lorena to the Zoo today and stayed there almost all day. A little bit humid but what do you expect you are in the jungle.
Bunch of relatives are there with good life, no stress and being fed well.