Sunday, July 26, 2009

Weekend at Big Bear

Friday July 24, 2009

Left today for Big Bear with Angelika and Sandra from Germany. Angie is our host student and Sandra is the coordinator for the German students. It's their free weekends with the host families. Angie wanted to go to the mountain and so is Sandra.

Angie and Sandra got sick from the winding road so we have to stop and recuperate.

Arrived at the cabin around 5:30 pm. Unload our stuffs and relaxed a little bit. Had hamburger for dinner. Stayed at the patio for a while and visited till bedtime. Enjoyed the stars on a very clear night.

Saturday July 25, 2009

Earl and Sandra woke up early and they went for a walk while Angie and I slept in which I'm good at.(Sleeping in)

Earl was going to fix our breakfast.He was planning to make pancakes, sausage and eggs. When I woke up at 9:00 he was standing in the kitchen and just looking at his pancake mix like as if he was lost. He doesn't have the rest of the ingredients no milk, no sausage, no butter. So we have to go grocery for all these. By the time our breakfast was served it was around 10:30. It's no longer breakfast it's now brunch. But it was good. Thanks to our chef Earl.
After brunch we went for a ride around the lake. Stopped in some areas of the lake but it started to rain so we have to rushed back to the car. Sandra and Angie were amazed with the size of the pine cones.

After the lake tour we went to the village for shopping. Sandra was the only one who bought stuff. She bought this brass bowl from an Indian store that you can use for "Yoga" and it makes this relaxing humming sound with the use of a wooden stick.
Back to the cabin. Sandra and Angie cooked dinner. They prepared a German soup made of potatoes,celery,carrots,bacon,sausage,onions and all kinds of seasonings. It was very good. Earl and I just sat and relaxed.
It was a fantastic German meal.

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