Sunday, June 28, 2009

Relay for Life

Saturday June 27,2009

Earl and I are in the Relay for Life fund raising for American Cancer Society in ChinoHills .Checked in at 8:30 AM and checked out at 10:00PM.

It was held in Chino Hills High School.

It was a very hot and humid dayThank God it was breezy.

A lot of food and drink donations. I didn't walk a lot until the sun had come down. There's quite a few people but not as much as the previous years that we participated on.
Chick-Fil-A provided lunch.
Games were played and some entertainments. DJ with continuous music.
Nice to see all the survivors who attended this fund raising event.

The Fire Dept. provided grilled hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner for everyone who attended the event. Corner Bakery provided sweets.

The Luminaria was emotional. Paper bags with names of survivors and those who passed on were lit along the path where we walked in laps.

After the luminaria Earl and I left. Didn't stay overnight this time.

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