Sunday, June 28, 2009

Relay for Life

Saturday June 27,2009

Earl and I are in the Relay for Life fund raising for American Cancer Society in ChinoHills .Checked in at 8:30 AM and checked out at 10:00PM.

It was held in Chino Hills High School.

It was a very hot and humid dayThank God it was breezy.

A lot of food and drink donations. I didn't walk a lot until the sun had come down. There's quite a few people but not as much as the previous years that we participated on.
Chick-Fil-A provided lunch.
Games were played and some entertainments. DJ with continuous music.
Nice to see all the survivors who attended this fund raising event.

The Fire Dept. provided grilled hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner for everyone who attended the event. Corner Bakery provided sweets.

The Luminaria was emotional. Paper bags with names of survivors and those who passed on were lit along the path where we walked in laps.

After the luminaria Earl and I left. Didn't stay overnight this time.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Hawaii Trip June 5th 2009

Friday June 5,2009

The day we are leaving but it's not till 9:30 PM. We have a whole day to play around, we decided to go to Rain Forest to their Botanical Garden. Dominic was exhausted so Earl drove to the garden. It was an hour and a half drive but it was worth it. It was rainy when we got there, that's why it's called rain forest. We had a little picnic before we started to explore the garden. It was fantastic and beautiful flowers and plants,
all sorts of orchids, the
ocean just around the corner. All kinds of tropical plants are in this garden.

These are just sample of flowers that are seen here .

Inside this botanical garden is a beautiful water falls.

From the garden we headed to the airport. Stopped by a Kona Coffee store and bought some to take home and also had our dinner at a nearby cafe restaurant.
Zeny and I returned the rented car while Earl and Dominic stayed with our luggages at the terminal.
Our flight left at 9:35 pm for LA.

Hawaii Trip- June 4,2009

Thursday June 4th 2009

It's 7:00
What a nice morning. It's not as humid but still warm. I joined Earl for a walk down to St. Peters Church which is a mile from where we are staying.
St.Peters Church is also known as the Little Blue Church one room and only 12 pews. It was built in 1889 located by the seashore and still used for weddings(small weddings).Watched the beautiful blue ocean and walked around the area.
Then walked back to the resort where we were staying.

After our walk had breakfast with Dominic and Zeny. Just stayed home till 3:00 PM to watch the Lakers game.
After the game we went back to the beach and watched the sun set and also wet our feet in the ocean.

Went to Walmart to look for Mary Magat's Hawaiian salt seasoning. Ididn't think we found the one she likes but Zeny bought them anyway.
Zeny want's to listen to some music so we went to Bongo Ben's Island Cafe and listen to their band and had a mini dinner there. Good fish and chips. It was 10:00 PM by the time we left.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hawaii Trip June 3, 2009

Wednesday June 3, 2009
Earl went for his walk. Zeny took Dominic to the country Club to play golf while Connie still in bed.
Dominic played golf all morning while we waited for him at the patio to pass by.
After his golf we went to town and took the Glass Bottom Boat. It was an hour boat ride watching the fishes in the ocean through the glass bottom boat.

It only took minutes before I started getting sick. What a terrible feeling. At least Earl and Zeny enjoyed the ride and watched the fishes and other ocean creatures through the bottom glass.
After the sickening boat ride we rested for a little bit under a tree by the ocean and watched the tourists come and go.
From there we went window shopping and also returned the golf clubs that was rented.
Then back to the Farmers market for more tropical fruits.

Hawaii Trip June 2, 2009

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Can't believe it's already Tuesday. Earl went for his walk, Connie still asleep, Zeny doing her school work in the computer and Dominic working on his music.

Dominic cooked a typical Filipino breakfast-fried rice and corned beef sauteed in onions.

After breakfast we stayed put at the condo and just relax at the patio overlooking the golf course. Enjoyed watching the "golfers" hit trees,bunkers and bushes and missing the holes.

Can't remember what we had for lunch.

Late in the afternoon we went to town and rented golf clubs for Dominic at the Snorkel Depot.

Stopped by the Farmers Market and bought more fruits.

It's a relaxing day.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Hawaii Trip-June 1st 2009

Monday,June 1st 2009

From Akaka Falls we passed by Parker Ranch Center and at this center is the smallest Kaiser clinic in Hawaii is located. Stopped by and talked to one of the nurses.

From the center we went through Hilo and stopped at Subway for lunch.

We arrived at the Kilauea volcano around 4:00 pm. A lot of steam coming out all over the place. We are under a volcano. Orchids and other plants grow on this kind of soil

Hawaii Trip-June 1st 2009

Monday, June 1st 2009

Another hot humid day. Earl went for a walk again by himself while the rest of us stayed at the condo. Zeny fixed our breakfast same as yesterday. After breakfast we decided to go to the Kilauea volcano area. Left at 11:oo am. On the way we stopped to see the Akaka Falls. Beautiful vegetation area, a lot of wild plants and flowers.

Hawaii Trip

Sunday, May 31,2009

It's a beautiful hot and humid day here in Kona. Woke up at 6 AM. Earl and I walk around the resort area and the golf course. After the walk I fixed breakfast for the 4 of us. Had eggs, bagel with cream cheese, wheat bread and all kinds of fruits-papayas,bananas,chicos.

We decided to stay home today. Listened to Dominics music. Cooked our lunch again at the resort. Had chicken cooked with ginger, potatoes and green papaya.

It was a lazy day for the 4 of us. Just visited and watch TV. Ordered pizza for our dinner.