Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hawaiian Holiday

May 30, 2009-Saturday

Woke up at 6:00. Earl and Dominic are at the veranda drinking Kona coffee and overlooking the golf course. It was a beautiful hot humid day. What do you expect you are in the big island of Hawaii.Can't have everything. Zeny on the computer so early in the morning.

After everybody were ready we went down to the activity center lookinng for some free complimentary breakfast instead Dominic almost got sucked in to another talk of buying something. Since there was no free breakfast we end up eating at their restaurant. It wasa good breakfast. The scenery is already worth it-the ocean.

After breakfast we went out for a drive at the coast and look around at their shopping centers by the coast and to their farmers market. Alot of tropical fruits and vegetables-papayas,mangos, chicos and a lot more. Bought some and brought them to the resort. We also went grocery shopping at their super market. Way too expensive. I don't see how people can afford to live here. Bought our lunch and back to the resort. Had lunch,rested, watch basketball game and at 4:45 we left for St. Michael church to attend mass. The mass was held in a white tent. The church is being renovated after it got damaged by the 2006 earthquake.

It was a very nice service with some hawaiian choir songs.

After church we went for more walks by the coast and started looking for a place to eat broiled fish.

It took a while and can't find one we like and can afford. So, we end up going back to the resort and eat at their restaurant again.

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