Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hawaiian Holiday

May 30, 2009-Saturday

Woke up at 6:00. Earl and Dominic are at the veranda drinking Kona coffee and overlooking the golf course. It was a beautiful hot humid day. What do you expect you are in the big island of Hawaii.Can't have everything. Zeny on the computer so early in the morning.

After everybody were ready we went down to the activity center lookinng for some free complimentary breakfast instead Dominic almost got sucked in to another talk of buying something. Since there was no free breakfast we end up eating at their restaurant. It wasa good breakfast. The scenery is already worth it-the ocean.

After breakfast we went out for a drive at the coast and look around at their shopping centers by the coast and to their farmers market. Alot of tropical fruits and vegetables-papayas,mangos, chicos and a lot more. Bought some and brought them to the resort. We also went grocery shopping at their super market. Way too expensive. I don't see how people can afford to live here. Bought our lunch and back to the resort. Had lunch,rested, watch basketball game and at 4:45 we left for St. Michael church to attend mass. The mass was held in a white tent. The church is being renovated after it got damaged by the 2006 earthquake.

It was a very nice service with some hawaiian choir songs.

After church we went for more walks by the coast and started looking for a place to eat broiled fish.

It took a while and can't find one we like and can afford. So, we end up going back to the resort and eat at their restaurant again.

Hawaiian Holiday

May 29, 2009- Friday

Left Los Angeles Airport at 6:30 pm.Flight delayed an hour. Arrived at Kauna Loa airport at 9:05 pm.Rented a car at Dollar rental car.Dominic and Zeny rented the car and we got a full size Dodge Charger car. From there here we go to the Kona Resort Place. It's a beautiful term share condo. Arrived kind a late and it was dark. Tried to look for the check in office in an unfamiliar dark place is something else. We thought we gonna sleep in the car till the next morning. But we finally found it after how many rounds of driving around the complex. Of course it has to be on the 3rd floor with no elevator. On top of that Earl and I with our luggages went to the wrong place. So we have to come down and go to the right one. At least we got our exercise after sitting on the plane for almost 6 hours.

The place is really nice. It was worth climbing the stairs twice.

Settled in. Each couple has their own room and bathroom.

Cleaned up and went to bed.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Graduation Day May 20,2009

May 20, 2009

Betty's day has arrived. It's Betty's graduation day at UC Berkeley. The family left the hotel at 11:00 am. We left early inorder to find a parking place close to the university. The commencement started at 2:00 pm. It was a good commencement exercise with good inspiring speaker.

After the graduation photos were taken with families.
Celebrated at a chinese restaurant in Oakland.


May 19,2009

Left Chino Hills at 5:30 am with Rachel for Berkeley. Arrived in our hotel in Hayward at 1:30 pm which is half an hour drive from Berkeley. After we settled in we took the BART to meet Betty in Berkeley. She took us to UC Berkeley campus and showed us around. It was a good hard walk but fun. After the tour we went out for dinner at Betty's favorite Indian Cuisine.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Vegas Weekend

Love Vegas. It breaks you financially but it's fun. Foods are great especially at the Wynn Buffet. It cost you an arm and a leg but it was worth it.

Vacation in May '09

Saturday May 16,2009
Left for Stateline at 7:00 in the morning from St. Paul Church.There were 47 of us in the bus.
Remy and Steve were in charge of this trip. We are arrived at the Buffalo Bill casino at 11:00.
Gambled a little bit until we lose our capital. Had the free buffet lunch.After lunch we went to the mall and from there Boyong and Kuya Cris picked us up for Las Vegas.
Earl and I stayed at Ballys,Boyong and his family stayed at Treasure Island and Michael and his mom and Ate lyd and Cris stayed at the Venetian.
We went to the buffet at Wynn for Rachels 21st birthday. She finally turned 21 allelluia. Now she can drink and gamble. It was a wonderful birthday celebration.
Stayed at the Venetian most of the time gambling. Earl and I are still losers while the rest of my family keeps winning.

Sunday May 17,2009
Went to church at Guardian Angel Cathedral Church at 11:00. After church went to the Fashion mall while Boyongs family went to Caesars Palace and the Mirage. Michael went back to the casino for more gambling.
Left for LA at 9:30 PM after eating at IN N' OUT Burger. That's all we can afford now.
Arrived in Chino Hills at 12:30 AM.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mothers Day Weekend

Mothers day is a very memorable for my family. It was mothers day when our mom passed on 15 years ago. Every year we celebrate her passing by prayers get together with our whole family whoever can make it. And this year all my brother and sisters were present and their families. We also celebrated my nephew's(Matthew) birthday. He turned 26.

It was a happy gathering. Who says we can't jump.