Friday, November 6, 2009

Idaho Sept.24-Oct.4 2009

Since there wasn't internet in our resort I have to do our 2 week stay in Idaho in 1 blog.
Arrived at Snake River Resort in Homedale, Idaho around 12:30 pm. Set up the coach and relaxed. Clara and Myron came and visited with us until evening. After they left we went to see Earl's mom who only lives 10 minutes away from our campsite. It was nice to see her. She looks good and still perky.
We went to visit Earl's mom daily while we were there.
On Saturday, Sept.26 Clara and Myron had barbecue in their place and we were invited.We went to pick up Earl's mom and went to Clara's place. Kelli and Stacy and the kids arrived from Bruneau. Earl's nephew Roy arrived with his son and daughter and Earl's brother Kenneth arrived from Oregon. It was a family reunion. A lot of food and a lot of beer drinking. Earl is allergic to alcohol so he didn't have any drink at all.Sad..It was late when we got back to our campsite.
Sunday, Sept.27. Earl and I went to 9:30 mass in Caldwell. After church we went to Earl's mom place and visited with her and Kenneth.
Earl and Kenneth bought a 4 day fishing licence and went fishing at the snake river.
They caught some bass. Kenneth did the cleaning of the fish and Connie got to eat the fish.
Monday,Sept.28 we went to Bruneau at Stacy and Kelli's place. They took the boat out to Strike Dam for some fishing. It was very windy but warm and beautiful day. The fishing wasn't good. They only caught 2 fishes. Of course they spend more time drinking beer than concentrating on fishing.
After fishing we went back to Stacy and Kelli's place for dinner. Kelli fixed a very good homemade stew and fresh baked bread.
We left at 7:00pm and arrived at our campsite around 9:00pm.
Tuesday, Sept.29 Just stayed at the resort. Earl and Kenneth went fishing but the weather wasn't cooperating. It was cold and windy. Not fun at all.
Connie just stayed inside the coach with Alisto and relaxed. No TV, no internet. I can't believed that I survived without all these.
Wednesday, Sept.30. Went to Clara's place and spend all day with them. Went to farmers market and bought all kinds of fresh fruits. Very inexpensive.
We played Wii against the kids. Heven't played Wii before and it was fun. I'm tempted to buy one.
It was late when we went back to our rig.
Thursday, Oct.1. We went to visit Gary and Joanne in Nampa. Had a good visit and reminisced the past. Jennifer came with her 2 daughters. Both cute girls.
Gary barbecued steaks Costco size( hard to finish). It was a very good dinner. We even had doggy bag to take home. Gary gave us some of their organic
produce ie:apples,garlic,eggplants and different color peppers. Thanks gary and Joanne.
Joanne showed us their photos taken when she and her sister went to Italy. Beautiful photos.
Friday, Oct. 2
Spent time with Earl's mom. Earl and Kenneth did some fixing and cleaning of their moms house getting ready for winter.
Saturday, Oct.3. Kenneth left for Oregon. Clara and Myron left for North Dakota.
It was kind a lonesome when they left. Stayed with Earls mom and gave her company.
Went shopping in the afternoon and at 5:00pm Earl and I went to church.
After church we went back to moms place had dinner. Stayed a little longer since we are leaving early in the morning for California.
Sunday,Oct.4.Left at 7:00am and headed for Jackpot, Nevada. The weather was cloudy and looked like rain.It was raining by the time we got to Boise and it was snowing hard when we got to Twin Falls, Idaho.
By the time we got to Jackpot the snow was over a foot. Earl had to plow the snow at our campsite.We stayed overnight at Cactus Pete's RV Resort.
It snowed all night and they closed the road to Ely where we're supposed to stay the next day.
Monday Oct.5. It had cleared up. We left as soon as we got up. The weather report says another storm is on the way.
Instead of staying in Ely for 1 day we decided to go all the way to Las Vegas. Earl drove 500 miles which he never does on the motorhome. We didn't want to be stranded since we were leaving for Europe the Friday of that week.
We arrived in Las Vegas at 6:30pm. We stayed at Circus-Circus(KOA) RV park. As soon as we settled down we went to the casino for dinner. We didn't feel like eating that big a meal so we end up having subway sandwich. After dinner we refreshed ourselves and went to Casino for a little gambling. Lost of course what's new.
Tuesday, Oct.6. Left the RV Resort for home at 6:30. Stopped to gas the rig and way we went.
Arrived in Chino Hills around 1:00pm. Parked the rig in our driveway.
Wednesday,Oct.7. Earl washed the motorhome and the Suzuki car. Spent almost all day washing and cleaning both vehicles. I did our laundry and cleaned the house.
Thursday,Oct.8. Packed our suitcases for our European trip.Called Matthew and told him what to do for Alisto,our cat.