Saturday, March 14, 2009


It's Saturday and we're getting ready to go home after a week at the RV Preferred Resort. It was a very relaxing week even Alisto enjoyed it. One week vacation is over.

Left the resort at 9:30 am. Gassed the motorhome and took 22 gallons at $2.05 per gallon. There was a marathon going on on Highway 127. The drive was slow due to the marathon going on. It's the Police officers marathon which is held every year. The marathon started in Baker and supposed to end in Las Vegas. What a day. By the time we arrived in Chino Hills it was 4:30 pm. Unpacked the motorhome and home again.

Friday, March 13, 2009


It's a very windy Monday. Stayed in the motorhome until the wind calm down. Had ham and cheese for breakfast and after breakfast we went to bowl at the Nugget bowling alley. It was $2.25 per game which is not bad. After bowling we went to Walmart and went shopping. Also had Frapuccino at Starbuck. Back to the motorhome and had leftover again for dinner.

Watch TV the rest of the night till bed time.


It's Tuesday and what a beautiful day. Walked around the park and checked all the amenities. Earl fed the fishes.Went to the clubhouse,the craft room where they make stain glass, gym with all sorts of fitness machines.

At noon we went to Harvest Cafe in Nugget hotel for lunch. After lunch Connie had a haircut at their salon for $15.

Back to walmart for groceries and laundry detergents.

After Walmart back to motorhome and stayed outside to read and relax.

Earl cooked our hamburger dorito salad. Not bad. He's learning to be good Chef.


It's Wednesday and it's Connie's birthday!

Went to mass at Our Lady of the Valley church to say our thanks for another birthday and gift of life.Prayed the rosary with the parishioners.

After church went to Harvest Cafe for breakfast. Then we went to check the RV Superstore and see what they have. Not much but good enough if you need something emergency for the motorhome.

Back to motorhome, checked e-mails and Connie had a very long nap. While Connie was napping Earl had a long walk outside and went to see some of the motorhomes on sale.

For dinner we went out again for dinner. We went to the Nuggets buffet. Cheap and good. Stuffed again.

At 9pm we went back to the hotel to bowl. It's $1.50 per game past 9pm.Played 2 games.

That's how we spent Connie's birthday.


Thursday,it's getting close to going home. We didn't do anything. Just be lazy. Earl still does his walk 2x a day.

Stayed put in the motorhome and played in the computer and watch TV.
It's Friday the 13th. We decided to stay put and did 4 loads of laundry. We go home tomorrow and started cleaning up.
Had a visit with a neighbor at the park.He's from the Philippines and his wife is from Kansas. They are from Washngton State by Vancouver.
Started our blog at the computer and spent almost the whole afternoon blogging our trip. At 4:30 we went to the church and had Fish Fry for dinner. Earl had baked fish with fries and coleslaw and I had fish tacos. Very good, just as good as St. Paul's Fish Fry.


It's Sunday. Got up early to go to mass at Our Lady of the Valley Catholic Church. Jacky and Norman stayed in the motorhome until we got back.

Had brunch at the Nugget Hotel buffet. Very good and cheap. Norman and Jacky enjoyed it a lot so did we.

After lunch we went to Death Valley. Looked around at the one and only hotel at Furnace Creek.

Death Valley is so deserty that it looks kind a ghostly. It is here that Norman and Jacky split headed to Ghost Town then to Las Vegas. Earl and I went back to Pahrump in our motorhome.

On arrival we spent some time at the Spa and stayed their for a while to relax.

Had leftovers for dinner.


Inside the motorhome. Just relaxing and visiting with Jacky and Norman. Alisto relaxing too. Alisto just love to go camping in the motorhome.


Arrived in Pahrump at 2:30 pm. Stayed at Preferred RV Resort. Nice Place. Jacky and Norman are with us. Jacky was our exchange student 6 years ago and she is here visiting with her boyfriend Norman. Earl set up the motorhome while the 3 of us are watching.

Had dinner at the Terrible Casino. Food is cheap and generous on their servings.

RVing in Pahrump, Nevada


Left Chino Hills at 9:00 am for Pahrump. We heard so much about Pahrump from our RV'er friends so we decided to spend a week there.